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NAVIGATE THE FORMATS: Premier | Normal | Economy | Text Box | Publisher Link | Top  
Premiere Graphic Image Format
  • GIF or JPEG image file format, static or animated
  • any custom size up to the following maximum dimensions:
     — banner: up to 726 pixels wide by 90 pixels tall
     — other sizes: up to 300 pixels wide by 250 pixels tall
  • the premier banner size appears above the masthead of The Infography; any other premier size appears most attractively beneath the masthead
  • links to your web site
  • select one of the following placement and rate options:
     — specific subject pages at $14 per subject per month
     — all subject pages at $525 per 30,000 impressions

The featured advertising space on each subject page, visible without scrolling, associated with the "Six Superlative Sources" about the subject, for premiere sponsors who demand the greatest visibility at a cost-effective rate.


NAVIGATE THE FORMATS: Premier | Normal | Economy | Text Box | Publisher Link | Top  
Normal Graphic Image Format
  • GIF or JPEG image file format, static or animated
  • any non-banner, custom size up to the following maximum dimensions:
     — banner: only available as "Premier" format (above) or "Economy" format (below)
     — other sizes: up to 180 pixels wide by 150 pixels tall
  • appears either in the middle of the page or in the right column of the page, at our discretion
  • links to your web site
  • select one of the following placement and rate options:
     — specific subject pages at $4 per subject per month
     — all subject pages at $345 per 30,000 impressions

The average advertisement displayed in The Infography, at a below-average cost relative to the cost of your other online advertising. Let us blend your brand into the total editorial and advertising mix, or limit the placement to subject pages that attract your target audience.


NAVIGATE THE FORMATS: Premier | Normal | Economy | Text Box | Publisher Link | Top  
Economy Graphic Image Format
  • GIF or JPEG image file format, static or animated
  • any custom size up to the following maximum dimensions:
     — banner: up to 726 pixels wide by 90 pixels tall
     — other sizes: up to 180 pixels wide by 150 pixels tall
  • appears near the bottom of the page
  • links to your web site
  • select one of the following placement and rate options:
     — specific subject pages at $2 per subject per month
     — all subject pages at $195 per 30,000 impressions

The low-cost opportunity to sponsor The Infography, especially useful for broadcasting a limited budget over a wide exposure.


NAVIGATE THE FORMATS: Premier | Normal | Economy | Text Box | Publisher Link | Top  
Text Box Format
  • any number of characters (punctuation marks and spaces count as characters) up to these limits:
     — up to 25 characters in name of link
     — up to 160 characters in text body
     — up to 25 characters in any URL appearing in text body
  • no line breaks or paragraph returns are allowed
  • appears in a white box in the right column of the page, placed at our discretion, although the earlier sponsor gets the higher placement
  • links to your web site
  • 9¢ per click-through to your web site, maximum of $30 per month

Displays a link to your web page, followed by a text description, attracting people with interest in a precise subject that pre-conditions them for your online offerings. You only pay 9¢ each time a person leaves our web site and enters yours, for a controlled return on your investment. We offer longer link names and longer text descriptions than our competitors, and you need not play a bidding game with our one low rate for all sponsors (although competitive sponsors should notice that the higher placement on the page goes to the earlier sponsor). The boon is that your total cost for each Text Box is capped at $30 per month, even if click-through traffic goes far beyond 333 visitors.

NAVIGATE THE FORMATS: Premier | Normal | Economy | Text Box | Publisher Link | Top  
Publisher Link Format
  • Attention, Book Publishers!
    If your book is cited in The Infography,
    bring book-specific traffic to your
    web site with our Publisher Link!
    a book title or other publication title cited in the editorial content of The Infography
  • underlined and colored as a hyperlink to your web site
  • 9¢ per click, maximum of $30 per month

Available only to a publisher whose book or other publication is cited in The Infography, this innovative advertising mechanism transforms the publication title into a link to the item description or order form at the publisher's web site. The Publisher Link brings subject-focused professors, librarians, students, and others with a pre-determined interest in the publication title to the publisher's own sales-promotion page. The Infography is especially favored by librarians in collection development and by professors in creating course syllabi, important market segments in the publishing industry. You pay only 9¢ each time a prospective customer leaves our web site and enters yours, and the total cost is capped at $30 per month (even if click-through traffic goes beyond 333 visitors), for a precisely controlled return on your advertising dollar.

NAVIGATE THE FORMATS: Premier | Normal | Economy | Text Box | Publisher Link | Top  

Have special specs or terms?
Let's use your advertising plan!

Fields of Knowledge — 712-379-3277
1509 South Ave., Essex, Iowa 51638-4608 USA

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"Guidelines for Sponsors of The Infography — Formats"
© 2008 Fields of Knowledge
Essex, Iowa 51638-4608 USA